Room Tour! Teen girls bedroom design with a place for her DOG :-)
Room tour bedroom design ideas for teen girls. Tour the room now! My Instagram: rebeccarobeson Post to your FACEBOOK Facebook! HOUZZ! Room Tour giveaways every week on Makeover Mondays by YouTubes most watched Interior Designer Rebecca Robeson. Tour the room of this weeks winner from the United States, Supersoundly. 13 year old Alyssa has a lovely bedroom with a beautiful bay window and plenty of space to move around. Her challenge is her room mate…. The DOG! Rebecca designs a room for Alyssa that not only functions smoothly and looks vibrant and colorful, It actually camouflages the unsightly dog kennel necessary for Alyssa’s dog. Creatively floating the furniture on the middle of the room, Rebecca takes advantage of the architectural features of the room while leaving plenty of functional space for both its inhabitants! Congratulations Supersoundly. Subscribe to ROBESON DESIGN STUDIOS: Subscribe to ROBESON DESIGN :
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